If you’re reading this, then it’s likely that you own a digital piano. Unlike their acoustic associates upright and grand pianos, digital pianos are more favorable because of one key advantage—they don’t need a lot of maintenance. Old upright piano and especially grand pianos can be such a hassle to maintain; it is an absolute difference from digital piano maintenance. With the digital version, you have a feeling like you have a piano in your pocket. Those who were playing only grand pianos will share this feeling even more deeply. Just a struggle about keeping acoustic piano tight is enough to compare to digital piano maintenance characteristics. Although this might be the case, you need a comprehensive digital piano maintenance guide such as this one to keep your piano in perfect working order.
When shopping for a piano, one of the factors you look out for is maintenance. The proper observance is one significant advantage that has put digital pianos way ahead of their acoustic counterparts. Old pianos and quality grand pianos are made from natural wood that had lasted many years and experience many atmospheric changes and, in some cases, mistreatment. Therefore it isn’t very easy to maintain them properly, and it is quite often costly. Therefore, to ensure that your digital piano lasts longer, this guide will highlight some essential tips to help your piano stay in perfect shape for years to come.
Digital vs Acoustic piano—what’s the difference?
I noticed that some people are facing problems distinguishing the difference between these two pianos. An acoustic piano is an old school piano that uses hammers and steel strings encased on a wooden exterior to give you a head-start.
These pianos are categorized into either grand or upright pianos and are very delicate, thus require a lot of maintenance to keep them up and running.
On the other hand, digital pianos are modern versions of their acoustic counterparts, and these pianos produce sound digitally via electronic speakers. It is good to mention that not all of them are must-include speakers. Some of them have some particular purposes and, due to them, have a different meaning. Luckily, almost all digital pianos have a 3.5 mm standard headphone jack or direct guitar jack (6.5mm) input. Our’s advice is to use studio headphones with a closed system for the wealthiest sound. They come in three different types, namely: grand pianos, upright and portable pianos. Some models do look like acoustic versions.
Since you now know the difference between these two types of pianos, I will now take you through some crucial tips on maintaining your digital piano.
Choose the location carefully
These digital instruments are not fragile like glass but are made for dynamic playing and are built to withstand substantial force from the player while performing some dynamic piano compositions. Although there’s a mentality that digital pianos require less maintenance, you must treat this piece of the appliance like any other precious electronic gadget in your home. One way of doing this is by setting a permanent place in your home to keep your piano. Pick a place that will be the best because of space but choose the spot to feel comfortable and cheerful to play more. An excellent and joyful site is half of the inspiration.
Although digital pianos manufacturing is to be mobile, it’s paramount that you display them in a specific area such as;
- Areas with low traffic where you don’t expect people to keep colliding or bumping on your piano to avoid accidental damage.
- Please don’t keep it near doors or windows as objects may strike it through the windows or someone may bang it while opening the door.
- Also, avoid exposing your piano in areas with direct sunlight, water, or moisture, which can also damage the piano.
- Avoid keeping the piano next to other electronic devices such as computers, heating vents, and air conditioners as extreme heat or sudden changes in temperatures can cause shortages in your piano’s electronic components.
Use appropriate cleaning methods
Digital pianos are not immune to damage, as we said. They, therefore, need to be cleaned regularly to keep them clean and free from dirt which is the number one enemy of digital piano maintenance. Many digital pianos have been ruined and damaged due to a straightforward reason—an inadequate cleaning regime. Like we said, digital pianos are quality machines that fairly last and look somewhat immune to physical. But with individual mistreatment, can easily break down for many reasons. Digital pianos with proper treatment practically have no working limit and can deliver life-lasting quality. Why ignoring your beautiful friend while it can follow you through your whole life. To guarantee your piano’s longevity;
- Avoid cleaning the piano with a wet cloth, as moisture can severely damage the interior or even cause an electric shortage.
- Use a dry microfiber cloth to clean the keys. Since a micro-fiber cloth is soft, this will help avoid scratching the keys and your piano’s body when cleaning.
- For stubborn dirt, make sure that you read the user’s manual //or visit the brand website to learn about acceptable cleaning methods. This will help minimize damage when cleaning the piano.
Clean your hands often
Washing your hands is a small gesture that makes a significant impact on the life of your piano. Just like washing your hands during mealtime, washing your hands before playing the piano helps to keep dust, dirt, oils, and greases away from your keys as much as possible. Sticky keys are one of the most significant inconveniences for professional players, and any amateurs should induct a habit of cleaning keys after every use. Note that the buildup of dust, grime, and natural oils from your hands is what causes “sticky keys” on your piano.
It is harmful, especially to the ivory keys, because if the user didn’t maintain them for an extended period, much of a struggle is in front of him in repair. We are not talking only because of electronic issues. It is not healthy, and it can be a significant germs transactor and can be dangerous for small kids who have reflex movement toward their mouth. Finally, it is essential for hands and fingers. It is the feeling of clean fingers and the touch of pure keys. Something similar when you do the shower before nighttime sleep.
Proper plugging
Like any other electronic device, a digital piano can use a significant amount of power to operate. Therefore, observing proper plugging is one way of ensuring that your piano is not subject to a power surge that can destroy the electronic components. So, to keep your digital piano safe;
- Avoid plugging it in an already overloaded outlet, such as alongside your desktop, microwave, heater, and home-theater system, among other appliances. Over-sharing a power outlet can affect your piano in significant ways, such as affecting the quality of sound, circuit shortages, fire outbreaks, or permanent damage to your piano’s electronic components.
- Take your time to organize your piano’s USB and power cables in a safe location where someone won’t trip over them accidentally. Remember, lines that lie around hazardously can cause severe damages to your digital piano, especially if your foot gets caught on the cables.
- Make sure that your piano is disconnected from the power outlet when it’s not in use. Always remember to power it off first before disconnecting.
- Connect your piano to a suitable power source. Make sure the outlet is in good working order to avoid any possible power surges.
Protect your piano
One way of protecting your digital piano is by covering it up when not in use. Digital pianos that have top cover are made with the intention of longevity. The cover is the best prevention in stopping dirt from coming in between keys. This is one way of sustaining your piano’s life and ensuring that it stays long enough to give you years of service. So, why do you cover your digital piano?
- One is to protect the piano against dust and dirt. You see, dust can wreak havoc on small sensitive components of your piano. Keeping it covered will generally help reduce the dust, making it easier to clean the piano.
- Covering the piano also helps to keep pets off the keys. You see, pets (especially cats) can scratch and damage your piano keys if you’re not careful. Their fur/hair can also get between the keys causing irresistible damage to the sensors or other components.
Avoid food and drinks
Finally, avoid substituting your piano for a dining table. Like other electronics, digital pianos cannot hold up well in the presence of beverages and other foods. Not only is it not a dining table, but it looks just wrong and aesthetically. Any drinks and catering on the piano is just a lack of respect toward this beautiful instrument. It should be treated as a piece of art and be left to be at least as antique decor. Therefore, avoid placing food or drinks on the piano’s surface when playing to prevent any accidents. Acoustic or digital pianos are not toys and shouldn’t be treated as such. If you have guests/kids around, make sure to cover piano and that everyone stays clear of the perimeter to avoid damaging your piano.
So there you have it. We hope that we had shown you how to care for your digital piano and introduced you to proper digital piano maintenance. Like in our biology and body hygiene, prevention is key to preventing anything severe afterward. This kind of prevention in the world of digital pianos will impress you with the outcome and longevity of your digital friend. Digital pianos—just like other electronic appliances—you should keep safe to give you years of service. With the appropriate handling, you can endure work efficiency for an extended period. Some antique pianos are in solid shape for more than two centuries. So, that is a straightforward fact that piano maintenance is crucial in longevity.
Observing proper cleaning techniques such as those highlighted in this digital piano maintenance guide will help keep your piano clean and safe from everyday hazards that occur due to human error. If you own a digital piano and you’re wondering how to maintain it, then I believe you’ve found the absolute answer and educational tips and advice. Keep your pianos clean, not due to esthetic. Do it because of the love you feel toward this piece of art. It deserves all of the necessary attention needed, which is not much. Swing of proper cloth and cleanser there and there from time to time and little attention in handling and your instrument will follow you through your life proudly. You will thank yourself over and over whenever you sit down to play again.